Students who are at home learning will need to follow these guidelines to the best of their ability.
Attendance needs to be reported by 9:00 am, either with an email or through the Remind app.
Zoom and/or Google Classroom will be used for class. Every child will receive an email address and password to access Google Classroom.
Find a comfortable and quiet space in your home that is conducive to learning, such as a desk or kitchen table. Please keep interruptions to a minimum especially in regards to younger siblings and pets.
The children should have their supplies readily available such as books, worksheets, pencils, crayons, paper, scissors, and a glue stick. If other supplies are needed, the child will be notified.
It is understood that a child may need guidance with connecting to Zoom and Google Classroom. A parent or guardian might need to be close by to help with finding pages etc. Remember that is acceptable for the parent/guardian to help but the work needs to be completed by the child.
Children must wear their SMA gym uniform or school uniform during Zoom meetings. Please have your child eat and use the bathroom before a Zoom meeting begins to limit interruptions. No food should be eaten during Zoom meetings. Water bottles are permitted.
Assignments will be posted on our Google Classroom. It is necessary to login in daily and complete assignments by their due date. If no due date is posted, the assignment should be completed by 8:00 pm that day.
Sometimes you will be required to submit work by sending a picture to the teacher. This can be done via email or the Remind app.
A parent/guardian will need to come to school every two weeks to pick up work or drop off assignments.
Make use of programs such as First In Math, RazKids, and Epic.
Teacher and parent will work as a team to make virtual learning a positive and successful learning experience.
The above information is subject to change whenever necessary to help children have a positive learning experience.