Math – Workbook page 25
Spelling – In your homework copybook, write the words safe, table, rain, baby, play 5 times each.
***Spanish Club tomorrow from 3:00-4:00 for those students who signed up.
Math – Workbook page 28
Spelling – In your homework copybook, write the words paper, stay, save, lazy, wait 5 times each.
Reading – Begin to review for your test on Friday by reading over the story “Duck” found on pages 166-181.
***No school tomorrow. God bless our 8th Graders on their Confirmation Day.
No Homework.
Enjoy your day off!
***Uniform picture day is tomorrow. Please have students wear their regular school uniform (spring or winter), not their gym uniform. Have them wear sneakers as we still have gym.
Math – Workbook page 29
Spelling – Review words for a test tomorrow.
Reading – Review for your test tomorrow by reading over the story “Duck” found on pages 166-181.
***Coin Walk is tomorrow. Please send in any coins with your child. They go to help purchase Thanksgiving meals for needy families in our parish.